Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lambs and Sheep

Spring comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, and the tornadoes we went through this week is proof of that. I decided to have a lamb storytime as an alternative to eggs or rabbits for Easter, and ended up using books that had nothing to do with the holiday. The kids thought Sneaky Sheep was hilarious and had a great time reading with me on the more simple books. It was a good storytime!

 We used two flannel boards this week that I made from the book Best of Totline Flannelboards by Cubley. They are "Mary's Lamb and Peter's Lamb" and "Baby Animals." The kids also made a more labor intensive craft this week: a bookmark that is a lion on one side and a lamb on the other. It came from Seasonal Storytime Crafts by Totten. They did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. Those bookmarks are such a cute idea! I may have to steal those for next year.
