Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As it so happens, we had snow just this morning, making for a perfect storytime theme! Here is what we read:

Snowbots by Aaron Reynolds and David Barneda
Snowmen at Work by Caralyn Buehner
A Kitten Tale by Eric Rohmann
Scholastic video version of Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson

We used two flannel boards from the library previously made by other children's librarians: "Five Little Snow Pals" and "All You Need for a Snowman." A good description of both of these can be found here: http://www.teaching-tiny-tots.com/toddler-books-five-little-snowmen.html

We finished with a stick snowman craft. I painted the sticks beforehand and put all of the pieces in individual bags so each child could pick up a bag and a box to complete their craft. At my library, we use small supply boxes with crayons and glue inside and the kids use these each time they come. Sometimes I will add scissors or tape to the boxes depending on what they need. I found the inspiration for this craft on Pinterest here: http://pinterest.com/pin/208080445255126723/

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